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FLG is just starting, as a new way of obtaining what you would love to wear, appropriate for any event, at the right price. With the option of creating custom made garments for your very own personal size.

Everything is made from A-Z, with intense hand-work that I do myself. At the moment, FLG includes small collections with the option of customized pieces upon request, personal orders made to measure, styling advice, and one-off haute couture pieces.

FLG is a way of making people’s lives more beautiful and comfortable, thanks to unique garments designed to enhance their look, and thus their confidence in themselves.

Ideal for women with a great deal of personality, women who are bold and enjoy dressing-up. FLG is a very original, exquisite, eye-catching brand, just like you! You need FLG to be part of your wardrobe if you are a trend-settler.

Discover the possibilities FLG can offer YOU!